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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Ladera Soccer - AYSO Region 1455

Important FAQ's

I signed up my player for the next season but haven't heard anything, what do I do?
With regard to timing with our programs, registration takes place a few months prior to the season opening so we can get volunteers lined up and background checked (there is a lot of work that has to go on behind the scenes). Then, about 2-3 weeks before practices start, we draft/form the teams and start contacting families.   You can always go into your account on this website and check your player's registration to confirm that they are signed up.  Please contact our registrar if you have not heard anything and it is less than 7 days before practices begin. 

I can't afford the registration fee, do you offer scholarships?
Here is the link to apply: SCHOLARSHIP LINK.  Please email [email protected] once you filled out the application.  Partial and full scholarships are sometimes given.  Since this is a 100% volunteer run organization, we ask that a parent help volunteer in some capacity for the league, if at all possible.

I want to volunteer, how do I sign up?

We are excited to have more volunteers!  You can sign up to volunteer through your Sport Connect account on this website.  If you are wanting to be a coach, assistant or team parent, you will sign up in the division that you want to help in.  For all others (referee, board member, etc.) you can sign up in Sport Connect under the  volunteers. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU E-SIGN YOUR VOLUNTEER FORM SO YOU CAN BEGIN YOUR BACKGROUND CHECK PROCESS.  You will receive an email from Verified Volunteers to proceed with your background check.  A fee of $25 will be paid by our region to Verified Volunteers to cover the expense, but it does not constitute acceptance of your coaching volunteer application.

I want my child to be on a team with all of their friends, how do I make this request?
As our league has grown to close to 1,500 players, the only guarantees for placement we are making this year are for coaches and assistant coaches kids to be placed together, as per the National guidelines.  Trying to balance teams, while involving friend requests on over 175 teams, is nearly impossible, so we have simplified our procedures back to following National guidelines.  We built the teams based foremost on balancing (based on our data) and on parent supplied dates that players could not practice.  If there is a serious error, please fill out this form and wait for your Division Coordinator to contact you.  It will be a few days, as we cannot move players unless a spot opens up on another team that completely works for making the switch.  Thank you! 

Can I have my pet on the sidelines?  How about if I just hold them?
No.  Pets are not allowed on our fields, as this is not allowed by LARMAC, nor AYSO, and can hinder our permitting process for following seasons.  Please leave ALL pets at home.  Games will not start until the pet is removed.

Can I bring a speaker and play some fun music on the sidelines for my team?
No, amplified sound is not allowed on LARMAC fields and can hinder our permitting process for following seasons. Artificial noisemakers (cowbells, horns, megaphones, etc.) are not permitted on our sidelines.

I have soccer experience, and although I don't have time to be a full-time coach, can I assist at my child's practices when I have time?
No, only league-approved coaches, assistants and volunteers may be on the field at any time with the players.  ALL volunteers must be background checked, must have a Livescan, must take Safe Sport and have taken the online Safe-Haven class, CDC Concussion class, Sudden Cardiac Arrest Class and the age-appropriate coach certification class. There are NO exceptions and all volunteers must have proper approval before they take the field.  This is to insure the safety of all children.

My team is short-handed for a game, do I cancel, or just show up and forfeit?
No, we hope that all games can be played and just being a player or two short does not constitute a forfeit or call for a cancellation.  

·        If 8U just divide up whoever your have with pinnies and have fun scrimmage.  No post-season tournament, no problems. 

·        For 10U or older, if one team has the minimum (5 for U10, 6 for U12, 7 for U14+) then the short-handed coach should Play Down with team on hand and play the regular game.  The other side can field their full allotment (no sense penalizing them; they showed up!). 

·        If 10U or older, and there are TOO FEW PLAYERS <5 for U10 (7v7 game), <6 for U12 (9v9 games) or <7 for U14+, then it's a FORFEIT   With coaches, divide up players left with pinnies and have a fun scrimmage.  Referees are allowed to leave and not officiate.

Can my child "fill-in" for another team that is short-handed?
If your child is 10u and older, they must play on the team they are rostered on and are NEVER allowed to play for another team to fill in.  Our lower division teams (8u and below) can lend their opponents players, if needed. 

Why does my child's team need Referee Points?
Referee points represent referee coverage within our region.  AYSO is 100% volunteer run and we need EVERY team to provide referees so games do not get cancelled.  ALL teams must have active volunteers covering games in order to qualify for the INVITATIONAL post-season play.  A team cannot just "borrow" points from a referee not associated with their team in order to get approved.  All post-season tournaments are INVITATIONAL and teams will only be allowed to advance if they have had active referees covering on behalf of their teams. 

For the Fall Season, Core/Rec teams that have earned their required referee points and are in "good standing" will most likely be invited to the Ladera invitational post-season tournament.  For the Spring Season, teams that have earned their required referee points and are in "good standing" will most likely be allowed to register and participate in the Area Spring Invitational Tournament.

We weren't aware we needed Referee there any way our team can advance?
Unfortunately, there is not.  We cover our requirements with all families before every season and we state that referee coverage, which translates to referee points, is required from all 10u and older teams.  We also cover this requirement at the Coaches' Meeting, Team Parent Meeting and Coaches' pledge in the Fall and include this information in various emails over the season. 

For coaches, the RCA and Extra Coordinator covers this requirement at their seasonal coaches meetings and sends email reminders to the coaches.  Coaches sign a pledge at the beginning of the season and they sign off that they are aware of the Referee Point requirement.  Matchtrak tracks each team's points progress at the bottom of their team page. Coaches receives reminders in the Coach Newsletters and Parents receive emails from the league as to the impending deadline.

Can I referee my own family members' game? 
Do not sign up for a family members' game until the day before the game.  Only pick up the AR spot, if available.  But always be prepared.

As a referee, can I assign my points to any team?

You can assign your points to your child's team only.  If you are an independent referee, you can choose one team and one team only.  Independent referees are defined as no child playing in the league.  Youth referees can assign their points to their own team or a sibling's team.  

When I was a kid, we played soccer on a full-sized field with 11 players on each team. Why is my 8-year-old playing with fewer players on a smaller field?
AYSO pioneered the introduction of small-sided games to our membership in 1988! Today, global research validates the need to create age-appropriate playing and training environments aligned with the child’s physiological and developmental needs. Afterall, they are not mini-adults.
Almost every national soccer program from Brazil and Spain to England and the United States as well as the largest professional clubs, including Barcelona, Manchester United and Juventus, promote small-sided matches as the best tool to develop young players. This is formally confirmed in the recent U.S. Soccer Player Development Initiatives.
Small-sided matches encourage young players to be engaged in the game at all times. They have more touches on the ball, which helps players build confidence on the ball. It also allows for coaches to spend more time on each player – helping them develop their individual skills.
It allows the younger players to make less complex decisions as they learn the game. Lastly, it allows for more opportunities for goals and success and excitement for the young players.

I'm interested in how the Board runs.  Can anybody attend a Board Meeting?
Yes, you are allowed to attend Board Meetings.  Please email [email protected] to confirm the date and location of the meeting.  Copies of minutes and the regional operating budget are available upon request.

What is Zero Tolerance?
Referee - Zero tolerance
It is never acceptable to abuse or criticize referees, verbally or otherwise, in any situation. We will not tolerate any verbal abuse, criticism or any other abuse of a referee by any coach or spectator.  Calmly asking what call was made is an acceptable communication during the game.

·       A Coach or spectator may only communicate in a positive way with a youth referee. The coach is responsible for ensuring all spectators associated with his/her team follow these guidelines relating to communication with a youth referee. A coach/ spectator may not express any disagreement or dissatisfaction with the officiating of a youth referee.  A coach/spectator may not before, during or after a game, discuss with a youth referee or be in earshot of a youth referee, their critique of the referee's performance, other than to thank and compliment the referee.

·       Any Board Member or AYSO-certified adult referee present at the game shall, if necessary, intervene if any coach, spectator, or other adult that is criticizing or abusing a youth referee, verbally or otherwise and may take immediate appropriate action.  This may include directing the offender to leave the site.

·       Any AYSO-certified volunteer (any coaches, Board Member, other referees, Division Commissioner, etc.) observing behavior not following these guidelines shall report the incident to the Regional Referee Administrator or Regional Commissioner within 24 hours of the incident so that appropriate review can take place.

·       Any Board Member present at the game shall, if necessary, intervene if any coach, spectator, or other adult that is criticizing or abusing a referee, verbally or otherwise and may take immediate appropriate action.  This may include directing the offender to leave the site.

·       There are appropriate avenues for coaches and spectators to share concerns about the quality of officiating. The region Referee Staff welcomes constructive comments about referees. However, any criticism or critique of a referee's performance may only be communicated to a designated Referee Mentor or the Regional Referee Administrator.

What is Misconduct?



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Contact Us

Ladera Ranch Soccer - AYSO Region 1455

P.O. Box 4169 
Mission Viejo, California 92690

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